Pinnacle Awards

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Share the Spark: What idea ignited transformation within your organization?

The Pinnacle Award celebrates innovative ideas that sparked change in the finance and treasury community. Did you have an idea that challenged the status quo and propelled the profession forward? We want to hear about it.

At AFP 2024, three Pinnacle Award finalists and one grand prize winner will be celebrated.

It’s your time to shine. Submissions are due July 12.

Submit Your Innovative Solution

Award Submissions


    • Treasury and finance departments of companies, organizations or government entities – regardless of size, industry or location – may enter for an AFP Pinnacle Award.
    • There are no entry fees.
    • Affiliation with AFP or any other professional association is not required.
    • The treasurer or chief financial officer of the applying company must validate all entries, and every applicant must agree to be interviewed.


    Judging & Publicizing Winning Work

    • All entries will be screened to mask any material necessary to ensure blind and impartial evaluation by the judges.
    • All entries become the property of AFP for the general advancement of knowledge in the treasury and financial field.
    • The sponsors may publish and publicize entries in any manner and without compensation.
    • Entries will not be returned to applicants.


    Individuals and organizations submitting entries to the AFP Pinnacle Awards Program acknowledge that they:

    • Grant permission to the sponsors and to anyone authorized by the sponsors to publicize the organization's name as well as photographic likeness of the developer(s) of the winning entry.
    • Affirm that the submission is the original work of the entrants, and that it does not infringe upon the property rights of any third parties.
    • Affirm that the company has the full right to enter the award program and to transfer all rights in the submission to AFP.
    • Agree to hold the sponsors harmless from claim by any third parties arising from any use of the submission.

    AFP Pinnacle Award Ceremony

    All AFP Pinnacle Finalists will be honored for their winning solutions at AFP 2024.

    The AFP Pinnacle Grand Prize Winner will be selected from the three finalists and be awarded this special honor during the ceremony. AFP provides up to two complimentary conference registrations, transportation and lodging for each of the finalists.