AFP Aware

AFP 2024


AFP Aware is centered on three guiding principles: COMMUNITYENVIRONMENT, and WORKPLACE. Our mission is to provide you with professional and personal growth opportunities while making meaningful connections with peers. 


Interactive Custom Guitar Build

October 20, 2024
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

At AFP 2024, help us give the gift of music through a fun and interactive custom guitar build.

Participants will be divided into teams and collaborate to complete a series of challenges, each giving them key pieces to assemble their guitars.

Once they’ve completed all challenges, they’ll work as a team to assemble and decorate their guitars. These guitars will be donated to Love Learning Music, a local charity whose mission is to use music and fine arts to educate, equip and empower the whole person, regardless of age, ability or socioeconomic status.

Learn more about Love Learning Music.

Registration is full. Join our waitlist to be notified if spots become available.

Join the Waitlist

To participate in the live event, you must be a corporate practitioner and an attendee of AFP 2024. Pre-registration is required and subject to review. Limited capacity. 


Nurture your well-being and professional growth at AFP 2024. Join in sessions dedicated to workplace wellness and professional development, leaving you refreshed and empowered to return to the office.